Brand Workshops

A meticulously planned, carefully tailored workshop is often one of the most valuable & influential stages in creating a strategically effective brand identity.

Workshops challenge & inspire rational thought processes from which Fable&Co. can begin to develop a unique brand positioning strategy.

We collaboratively determine the most appropriate individuals from within your organisation, ensuring these delegates work across varied responsibilities.

This diversity in individual, professional agendas can provide truly enlightening, highly valuable & sometimes unpredictable results. Workshops enable us to fully understand all aspects of the business we represent.

Brand workshops are an integral phase of a dramatically triumphant branding project.

The workshops that Fable&Co. conduct are highly productive, designed to yield substantial insights. Our brand workshops are engaging, exciting & above all enjoyable for everyone involved. Utilising pre-prepared visual stimuli, we begin to unearth the truth behind your business.

Preferably brand workshops are conducted away from our clients offices, we believe this change in familiar surroundings unlocks your abilities to think in a more open minded & honest fashion, as well as eliminating any inevitable office based distractions.

Highly tailored brand workshops are a powerful way to facilitate a true & comprehensive understanding of our assignment. We endeavour to discuss, analyse & challenge brand perceptions, business culture, audience segmentation & unique features of our clients products / services.

This conversation is facilitated by Fable&Co, collaborating with our clients to define the key value proposition of the brand through pre-planned workshop tasks. A thorough understanding of our clients’ key audience demographic is also paramount, so, within the workshop we delve deep into our client’s differing user persona profiles.

Fable&Co. are curators of ideas, creativity & innovation. With this knowledge of the great work that is going on around us, we bring these comparative exercises into the workshop environment so that the client can compare their brand proposition to their competitors’ in a deconstructive approach. Brand workshops offer an opportunity to ask those provoking & disruptive questions which may otherwise not be asked. It is the perfect opportunity for a client look introspectively at their brand & review their vision, core values, purpose, motto, positioning & audience.


Fable&Co. considers brand workshops a business minded debate without the confines of a teacher, student role play. As ever, with strategy & creativity at the forefront of Fable&Co.’s approach & ethos, we push further than Sharpie pens & post it notes to find those tangents from within, & amplify our clients’ differentiating value propositions.

Your brand is what people say about you when you’re not in the room

– Jeff Bezos, Amazon Founder